A word in your ear…

OK guys, you haven’t heard the last of me just yet. I have a favour to ask – in fact I have two, but I will save the second one for another post.

So here’s today’s favour…

I know that many people have enjoyed my blog and that in itself makes me very happy. And if I can help those planning their own camino, then that is even better.

But rather than experiencing my camino walking as an entirely self-indulgent project, I decided before my first trip to try and raise some much needed funds for a local charity – CUDECA Hospice – a Málaga based cancer hospice that provides care for cancer patients both at the CUDECA Hospice facility and in the patient’s own home. I’m sure we all know someone, or more likely, many people who have suffered because of cancer and my most personal experience with that horrible disease was my mother’s battle over many years.


My mother was a strong and independent woman who never believed she wouldn’t be able to beat the disease, however many times it came back to attack her with new ferocity. I wrote about her (here) on her birthday during my first camino (seven years after she died) and I walked that camino in her honour. And just for the sake of balance I also wrote about my father (here), a quiet man who influences me more than I could ever have imagined when he was alive. They died within six months of each other, my old Dad sadly just gave up on life. I often think how much he in particular would have thrived into old age living here in Spain, being able to shuffle to the nearest public bench and natter away to the other oldies about something and nothing. In England the weather isn’t often conducive to getting out and communicating. It is such a healthy environment here for the elderly.

So, back to business. David, my partner, took on the role of fundraiser and tin-rattler and accosted everyone he came across for a donation in sponsorship of my first walk in 2013. This was no easy task as there are many functions in this area in support of CUDECA Hospice and the very generous citizens of this community have pockets that are only so-deep. But they came up trumps and we collected 940 euros. Last year was not quite so successful and raised around 600 euros, most of which went to CUDECA Hospice and some to a local animal charity.

This year David’s efforts and the extreme generosity of our friends and neighbours has resulted in a magnificent amount being raised (solely for CUDECA Hospice this year) in the sum of 1,100 euros. Many, many thanks to all who have given, both in a personal capacity and those local businesses who are all feeling the strain of the current financial difficulties. You are all very good people.

If anyone who lives in Málaga province and has not been accosted by David, would like to make a contribution to the cause, it would be really appreciated by all concerned. Donations can be made by bank transfer in person or over the Internet using the following details:

La Caixa Bank
IBAN/Account number ES 52 2100 1621 9102 0020 8268
and please state the reference “Maggie”

For those further afield who would like to donate to a less specific cancer charity, I have created a ‘just giving’ page in favour of Cancer Research UK. If you are unfamiliar with Just Giving I quote the opening paragraph on their ‘about’ page. I have used them before for both donating and fundraising.


JustGiving is the world’s social platform for giving.
Our mission is to ensure no great cause goes unfunded.
Founded in London in 2001, so far we’ve helped people in
164 countries raise over $3.3 billion for causes they care about.

You can visit my page via this link https://www.justgiving.com/Magwood2015


“the world’s leading charity dedicated to beating cancer through research”

I know many of you plan charity giving throughout the year to your own chosen good cause. Perhaps you could give a little extra this month.

But whether or not you choose to make any kind of donation, you are most welcome to keep me company on my blog for as long as it interests you.

The next favour I ask won’t involve any expenditure – I promise.

About magwood

Trepidatious Traveller - camino blog is about preparing for and walking the Camino de Santiago. Many future pilgrims have found the blog useful and inspiring, and many who have no plans to walk the camino have simply enjoyed the dialogue http://www.magwood.me
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14 Responses to A word in your ear…

  1. janpow123 says:

    Well done Maggie, well said.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mary lynch says:

    Hi ya Maggie, I can only donate 20 euros at the moment but I guess every little helps!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Cindy says:

    Well done Maggie on your fundraising for such a worthwhile charity so close to my heart. Cindy

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tony D Rice says:

    My 5 year old grandson Nathan is a cancer survivor . He was diagnosed at age 1 with Ewing’s Carcinoma . He lost his right tricep and endured a full year of chemotherapy and at one point was kept alive with machines. We support Saint Baldricks foundation for childhood cancer, every dime goes to childhood cancer research, the Candle Lighters, they help absorbed the costs of food, houseing, transportation, utilities, birthdays and christmas, and Make a Wish foundation, they sent my daughter’s entire family to Disney World for a week. Everything was paid for.
    When I walk the French Way next year, I will ask my Facebook friends and family to donate .05 or .10 cents for every mile I walk to one of those charities. Something I should have done last yesr.

    Happy Trails


    • magwood says:

      What a great cause Tony. I hope your grandson is now well and happy. I am sure your friends would be happy to sponsor you on your next camino.


  5. Conchy says:

    Good work, Maggie. Will be in Santiago in September (not to walk the Camino unfortunetly) and will send you our donation, then. Thanks again, Maggie for your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • magwood says:

      Hi Conchy, I hope the sun shines on you in Santiago – it makes such s difference. And with luck the scaffolding might be off the cathedral – some was coming down when I was there. Thanks for your support.


  6. Keith Rocks says:

    Well done Maggie. You accomplished a great amount for by raising so much for your chosen charity. Lets hope that you can raise a little bit more for cancer research. Good luck, Keith xx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Harry Dierckx says:

    Hi Maggie, I was planning my Mozarabe trip in September this year, but…..now I have seen your beautifull pictures of the flora while you were walking in springtime, I think I will wait till May next year and go for the Camino Portuges!! By the way, I loved reading your whole blog from A till Z.
    A few weeks ago I walked the GRAN SENDA DE MALAGA and passed your village, beautifull area as well. Regards and hope we will keep in touch.


  8. Pingback: the big ask – pretty please… | Trepidatious traveller – camino blog

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