They’ll see me coming in this…

We’ve had some very stormy weather here the last few days. Yesterday, gale-force winds were whipping around the mountain almost taking control of your movements, pushing you along from behind or almost stopping you in your tracks. There was even an ice storm later in the day, and we were left with a very pretty view of the mountain tops sparkling white against the blue sky.

It was the sort of day to give the dog his morning walk at a very brisk pace and once home I had no desire to leave the house for the rest of the day. The wood burner was set alight early and I looked for an indoor job.

I had recently purchased some waterproof fabric from the very helpful guys at Profabrics, who are very willing to give advice over the phone and are happy to supply any amount of fabric, small or large, plus all sorts of accessories and fitments.

I wanted to make a new backpack cover. You may have read about my ‘magnificent shoulder cape’ which I wrote about a couple of years ago here

It is still functional and was called into use last year. But it was, after all, thrown together from an oversized pack cover, and a bit ‘Heath Robinson’. I wanted to try my hand at making one from scratch. The fabric was a bit hard to sew, my machine kept skipping stitches (I probably need a different kind of needle), but it went together quite well using the original as a pattern.

This version, re-christened the ‘pack cape’, is much more comfortable around my neck and along the fastening under my chin. It is also a fluorescent yellow and Hi Viz so I will be making my presence known if I am walking in poor light conditions. I have to say, I am rather pleased with the outcome. It is a little heavier than the original, but only by 30 grams and I think the excellent fit is worth the extra weight.

pack cape

You can see in the background of the photo the beautiful sight of Mount Maroma covered in snow.

I walked this morning with a lovely friend. The wind was still very gusty but there were quite a few stretches where we were sheltered from it and the 10 kms we covered were an absolute delight. You can’t beat a good walk with a good friend, unless you do it in scenery like this – and then it is just perfect…



About magwood

Trepidatious Traveller - camino blog is about preparing for and walking the Camino de Santiago. Many future pilgrims have found the blog useful and inspiring, and many who have no plans to walk the camino have simply enjoyed the dialogue
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24 Responses to They’ll see me coming in this…

  1. mary lynch says:

    Stunning photos of the snow clad mountains Maggie, Nerja was freezing cold yesterday morning also. I came back from shopping with pains in my face and ears from the wind. Unbelievable.
    You seem to be a handy woman with the sewing machine Maggie, well done. xx


    • magwood says:

      I can’t believe how long this windy weather is persisting. It keeps blowing the cat flat open and the patio furniture keeps whizzing across the terrace.
      I was very lucky that my mother was a fantastic needle and craft woman. I have made my own clothes since I was a child and my daughters are also very practical. I don’t make many clothes now as fabric is so expensive, but I do like to re-model stuff.
      In fact my mother trained as a mature student to be a needlework teacher and Ella went to the Central School of Speech and Drama and has a degree in costume design (very useful for a restaurant manager!)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Grasshopper says:

        I saw lenticulae – those flying-saucer-shaped clouds that float over the hills when they’ll be a windstorm – on Wednesday and thought “That’s odd; it’s not windy,” before getting nearly blown off Loma del Daire yesterday. And our cat flap and post box rattled all night with the wind too.


      • magwood says:

        The wind certainly knows how to blow in these parts Grasshopper. I love the walking around Daire. I’ve never used a guide book for the local area and have felt quite intrepid discovering some of these routes all alone, well not quite alone – I always have Roly by my side.


  2. Maureen Gillespie says:

    You should patent that!


  3. OzAnnie says:

    Love all the backgrounds. You make it sound very ‘brrrrrrrrrr’ but views are gorgeous .


  4. Love your new pack cover Maggie, you are really perfecting your gear!


  5. You’ll definitely need the waterproof stuff in the north 🙂 Looks great.


    • magwood says:

      That’s what I am expecting, so hopefully it won’t come as too much of a shock to the system. I was really lucky with the weather last year and I can’t expect it two years running.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It has been raining Noah’s rain for 24 hours straight now here and raining for 9 going on 10 days straight for the 4th time this winter in Bilbao so…you’ve been warned 🙂


  6. Nice work. Sometime you absolutely must be your own inventor. 😀
    I’d walk and walk when surrounded by such magnificent view. Divine. ❤ ❤


  7. Jenny Heesh says:

    Fantastic pack cape Maggie! It looks as though it would fold up to a very small size as well. Will you make a drawstring bag in the same fabric for it? That would be so cool!
    Cheers – Jenny


    • magwood says:

      Smallish. At 194 grams it is a little heavier than the original, which came with an integral stuff-pocket. I won’t bother with a bag for this, as it will stay on the pack until it is dry and then when it isn’t being used it will live in the lid-section of my pack, maybe in a zip lock to keep it tidy.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Irish Sue says:

    A little ‘Quasimodo” ish Maggie! But well done you.

    Irish Sue


    • magwood says:

      I have just wasted quite some time engrossed in reading Quasimodo quotes to respond to your comment. There should be a remake of that film.
      I will be looking for ‘sanctuary’ every night. And maybe more appropriate – “My misfortune is that I still resemble a man too much. I should like to be wholly a beast like that goat”! 🙂


  9. lins22 says:

    Just sell the e-pattern for a few quid; don’t get into the patent process. Many of the sewing, knitting and crochet people are making a living by sharing the patterns for their designs. Might pay for a hostal for a night at least 😉


  10. Annie Carvalho says:

    How much does your pack weigh, Maggie? I love that pack cover! And your photos are stunning! Do you take those with the iPad???


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